I feel so relaxing since this Tuesday, and this is the first time i really can sleep very well during this two month.
Although i can sleep in the normal day, i always have some villianous feeling after getting up.
I did not study very hard in the normal day and i could  not finish any chapter before the class start.
(Because i am not good in self-control, i could not give up spending lots of time surfing internet and video.)
Even i could not finish every material, i still think i did not to bad i the exam ( i really hope!), but i was so regretful this two day my actions.
Maybe because the exam was finished or it is nearly the end of this term, i found i could not concentrate in the evening time and i could not get up as early as before.
I also get up very late this morning , and i remained someone's word when i used the bathroom.
She said: Don't u  this kind of life similar with the life in the university in Taiwan?
True be honest, i was shock when she asked me and i did not know how to answer her question.
I think that i am really enjoy and accommodate abroad life and if i can i really want to increase the length of living abroad.
But what is my main reason?
The continue my study? To avoid career and responsibility of adult? Or just want a since of superiority?

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